Simple Cheese Kit for someone special – make Buttermilk – Butter – Haloumi – Large curd cheese – Mascarpone

$99.00 inc. GST

Small affordable Cheese Kit for someone special who wants to try out cheesemaking and not spend a fortune!

SKU: CW-7A Category:

Struggling to find an original  gift – we have solved your problem.  Our small basic cheese kit will make kilos worth of cheese and will prove a  versatile and useful gift

  • 1 x sachet of culture mesophilic freezedried (we use either Sacco 10U culture or Bioprox 20U culture. The sachet size of either Sacco or Bioprox  cover 1000L milk). Cultures are very multi functional and capable of making a wide range of product
  • 1 x Danisco Marschall M-50 vegetarian rennet tablets – blister pack of ten tablets
  • 1 x Mini Measuring Spoon set
  • 1 x sheet draining cloth pack 14in x 46in which can be cut to size
  • Recipes for Buttermilk – Butter – Large curd cheese – Haloumi – Mascarpone

Use what you have in the kitchen, have fun with your friends and you will have sufficient culture to continue down your cheesemaking path for quite some months to come making all sorts of other creams, fermented drinks, soft & semi hard cheeses