Butter – which culture to use

1024px-Butter_at_the_Borough_MarketIdentifying the correct culture to use can be confusing.  Technical explanations can fluster when all that one wants to know is “How do I make Butter?” and “Why should I eat it?”

Some facts that might interest:

Butter is normally made from cows milk but can also be made using sheep, goat, buffalo and even yaks milk

Extract from The Guardian Newspaper UK

Why butter is good for you | Life and style | The Guardian

Why is butter good for me?
The nutritional gospel that saturated fat is unhealthy and fattening is melting away. A recent review published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded: “There is no convincing evidence that saturated fat causes heart disease.”

Butter is an excellent source of vitamin A, D and K, essential for the efficient absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and therefore strong bones and teeth. Vitamin K also helps protect against bone calcification. Butter is rich in short- and medium-chain fatty acids, such as conjugated linoleic acids; these have a significant anti-tumour, anti-cancer action. Butter from grass-fed cows has more CLA than those fed grain, so organic butter is a wise choice. Butter has anti-fungal properties too.

So there you have it.  Making butter is a good idea.

You can use Sacco MO 030 or Sacco MO 036R as your base culture but general opinion and technical advice indicate that Sacco MO 036R is the best culture to use as it produces an aromatic, creamy butter.  Just right for your toast or croissant!

You may have your own milk but if not there are  NZ suppliers of good quality milk available in most good supermarkets